The six systems engineering development principles are 六个系统工程开发基本原则是
Project management according to engineering development process. 依据项目开发流程进行项目管理;
Evaluating agent-oriented software engineering development 面向Agent软件开发方法的评估
Be responsible for new product process engineering development, application, improvement and related documents compiling. 新产品工艺开发、应用、改进工作以及相关的文件编写;
For many companies it is vital to be present in China, not just in sales but in engineering development. 对许多公司来说,进入中国十分重要,不是仅在销售领域,也包括工程开发领域。
Six years 'management experience of engineering and development staff for entire consumer products division. 有6年管理整个顾客产品部工程与开发部人员的经验。
CAMCTO is a high-speed applications for engineering software development tools. CAMCTO是一款适用于工程学的高速应用软件开发工具。
This paper proposed a knowledge-based computer aided concurrent engineering system method for die and mold, and the key technologies, such as concurrent engineering system development process, traditional process analysis and re-engineering, system function analysis, system modeling and system architecture design, were discussed. 摘要提出了基于知识的模具计算机辅助并行设计系统方法,并对并行工程系统开发过程、传统过程分析、过程重组、系统功能分析、系统建模和系统框架设计等关键技术进行研究。
The main topic of this paper is the engineering development in software of GMDSS simulator. 本文主要研究内容是GMDSS模拟器的工程化开发。
Working Group on the Exchange of Experience on the Establishment of Engineering Design Development Centres 交流建立工程设计发展中心经验工作组
The results can be used to guide the engineering development for the synthesis of pseudoionone by this method. 该结果对乙酰乙酸酯法合成假性紫罗兰酮的工业开发具有实用价值。
Study on Determinants of Biogas Engineering Development in Large-scale Pig Farms 规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的影响因素研究
Water engineering geophysical exploration is served in the water of the important technical means of engineering development. 水域工程物探是服务于水域工程开发的重要技术手段。
Grobal polyester plant design and engineering development status is described. 介绍了聚酯装置和工程建设的发展状况。
Mechanical manufacturing engineering development and practice of mechanical engineering vocational teaching 机械制造工程发展与高职机械类专业实践教学
I am seeking a managerial position in Engineering and Development with a major high-tech manufacturer just as yours. 我正在寻找一家像你们这样高科技制造厂工程与开发管理职位。
The paper also analyzes the current hot and further work, lays the theoretical and technical basis for the engineering development of the large modern wind-power generator. 分析了当今的热点及进一步的工作,为大型风力机组的工程实现奠定了一定的理论及技术基础。
In1994, the Precision Engineering Development Centre ( PEDEC) was formed to focus support on the precision engineering industry. 1994年,为了集中精力扶持精密加工行业,精密工程发展中心成立。
Sustainable City and Sustainable Buildings: Research and Application of Value Engineering in Development 可持性城市与可持续建筑:价值工程在发展中的探讨与运用
Progresses in design, techniques and engineering development of domestic residue hydrodesulfurizing unit, hydrocracking unit and lube base oil hydrotreating unit were summarized. 总结了近年来国内渣油加氢脱硫、加氢裂化和润滑油加氢装置的设计概况、技术特点以及工程开发的新进展。
Edison engineering development program-training and development program designed to accelerate the development of ge's new design engineers. 爱迪生工程开发计划-培训及开发计划,用于加速通用电气公司新设计工程的开发。
The results showed that the physical properties, thermal-oxidative stability, glass transition temperature, microstructure and phase structure of home-made SBS were equivalent to those of external products, the Mn could achieve the desirability. the engineering development of SBS was successful. 结果表明,国产SBS的物理性质、热氧稳定、玻璃化转变温度、微观结构和相态结构与国外同类产品相当,M_n可以达到预期要求,说明该开发技术是成功的。
We should stress quality of the medical engineering department, promote faculty service technical level, develop by relying on our own efforts and walk the road of my hospital medical engineering development. 抓医学工程科质量,建设促进专科业务技术水平,全面发展自力更生,走出一条符合我院医学工程发展之路。
Engineering Development of an Airborne Prototype Integrated SINS/ GPS System SINS/GPS组合导航系统机载样机的工程研制
Systems decision is the most important responsibility of the leaders of great engineering development programme. 系统决策是重大工程开发计划领导人的最重要职责之一。
In the light of the development of agriculture and act in accordance with the national conditions the target and direction of agricultural engineering development was expounded. 依照世界农业、农业工程科学技术发展的态势,根据我国的国情及适合我国国情的现代化农业发展道路,阐述了我国农业及农业工程科学技术发展的目标与方向。
Chapter three is theoretical foundation, that is the Constructivism theory and software engineering development theory and method. 第三章GIS软件平台开发与应用的理论基础,即建构主义教育理论和软件工程的开发理论和方法。
Finance Engineering Development and Uses in Our Country 金融工程的发展及在我国的应用
The paper also outlined the tentative planning of agricultural engineering development and the countermeasures of promoting the construction of modern agricultural engineering in Zhejiang Province. 文章还概述了浙江省农业工程发展规划的初步设想和推进现代农业工程建设的对策措施。
To discuss thought of medical engineering development in military hospital 医学工程专业在军队医院的发展思路探讨